
The Percheron Pulse

Integrated Approach to Midstream Operations and Maintenance


Efficiency and reliability are critical to successful operations in the ever-evolving midstream industry. At Percheron, a fragmented approach to Operations and Maintenance (O&M) can lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and unnecessary risks. That's why we've developed an integrated approach to O&M, designed to deliver a cohesive, streamlined service that meets the unique needs of your midstream assets.

Holistic Service Offering

Our integrated approach means that all aspects of O&M—pipeline integrity management, real-time monitoring, and tailored maintenance—are managed under one roof. This holistic service model ensures that each component works harmoniously with the others, creating a seamless operation that minimizes disruptions and maximizes asset performance.

The synergy between our services allows us to address potential issues proactively. For example, data collected from real-time monitoring can inform maintenance schedules, ensuring that inspections and repairs are conducted at the most reasonable times. By integrating these services, we can anticipate and resolve issues before they escalate into major problems, thus safeguarding the reliability of your operations.

Efficiency Through Integration

Efficiency is at the heart of our integrated approach. By combining services, we eliminate the redundancies and communication breakdowns that often plague operations, where different service providers manage separate aspects of O&M. Our team works closely across all disciplines, ensuring that information is shared. Decisions are made with a complete understanding of your operation’s needs.

This level of coordination results in faster response times, reduced downtime, and optimized resource use. The result is an O&M program that not only keeps your midstream assets running smoothly but also is cost-effective.

Proactive Risk Management

Another significant advantage of our integrated approach is the proactive management of risks. With all aspects of O&M connected, we are better positioned to identify potential vulnerabilities in your system. Our team conducts thorough assessments that consider every angle of your operation, from the condition of your pipelines to the impact of environmental factors.

By addressing these risks proactively, we help you avoid costly repairs and regulatory penalties while enhancing your operations' safety and sustainability. This proactive stance is key to maintaining long-term operational success in the midstream industry.

Tailored to Your Needs

We understand that no two midstream operations are the same. That’s why our integrated O&M services are fully customizable. We work with you to develop a program that aligns with your specific operational goals and budgetary constraints. Whether you need comprehensive O&M services or support in specific areas, our team can deliver solutions that meet your needs.

Our flexible and scalable approach allows us to adapt to changes in your operation over time. As your business grows or as new challenges emerge, we adjust our services to ensure that your O&M program continues to deliver optimal results.

Percheron’s integrated approach to midstream operations and maintenance sets a new standard for the industry. By providing a comprehensive, cohesive service that emphasizes efficiency, proactive risk management, and customization, we help our clients achieve operational excellence—Trust Percheron to keep your midstream assets running at their best, now and in the future.

How Percheron’s Midstream O&M Services Enhance Eff...
How Percheron’s Midstream O&M Services Enhance Eff...

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1904 W. Grand Parkway N., Suite 200, Katy, TX 77449